Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Ingin tingkatkan metabolisma badan anda? Ikuti tip-tip mudah berikut untuk memberangsangkan pembakaran kalori seharian anda.
  1. Makan selalu: Setiap kali anda makan, ia akan merangsangkan metabolisma badan anda.
  2. Makan lebih! Terkejut dengan fakta ini? Jangan go for drastic calorie cuts it’ll only slow down your metabolsim!
  3. Ambillah protein pada setiap hidangan. Protein chains are harder to break, making you burn more during digestion.
  4. Eat fish and flax fat to encourage your fat cells to send the “I’m kenyang” signal to your brain. This causes the brain to send the signal to your metabolism to burn more calories.
  5. Turn to whole foods and grains. They force your digestion process to work overtime.
  6. Makan pedas-pedas :D If you enjoy hot, spicy foods, take note: You can increase the amount of calories your body burns during digestion.
  7. Minum air sejuk. Ia akan meninggikan your metabolism to heat up the water to body temperature.
  8. Switch to healthy fats. Switching from saturated fats (such as butter) to monounsaturated fats (such as olive or canola oil) increases caloric burn.
  9. Run harder. Either by increasing your mileage or varying your intensity, termasuk interval training.
  10. Angkat Berat. Dengan penambahan otot, pembakaran kalori akan bertambah. Tak perlu senam hari-hari – 2x seminggu pun sudah memadahi.

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